Andrew Sabin

For me sculpture making is an emotional adventure anyone can join.  When we lay the table or wash our hair or dig a hole in the ground we are moving materials around and responding to them - funny or sad, the cutlery in a pile or laid out in order, hair sticking out in spikes or compacted in a mat, we just have trust our responses, take them seriously and then we are on a path towards playing with sculpture.

One way or another I have been making sculpture for over 40 years sometimes in the studio seeing what materials can do, playing with stuff, stretching it, bending it, pushing it around, seeing what I can do with it and how I respond to what I have done.  Now in my studio there are great vats of sloppy margarine into which I am pouring buckets of concrete full of wonder at the way this gelatinous substance can hold and form such a hard, implacable substance as concrete. Over the years I have made enormous works in the landscape, small, intimate, works that were realised in a matter of minutes and immersive installations some of which have taken over a year to conceive and create.

Laura and I moved from London and built our new studios at The Black Barn with the thought that, in this last period of our lives we would bring together everything we needed to complete our lifetime of experimenting in sculpture.  Our hope is to be able to share our excitement with sculpture to anyone and everyone who feels that, in one form or another, they would like to join the adventure.